Stiching centre - Japla, Jharkhand

Stiching centre at Japla, Jharkhand

Women from rural and interior area do not get many opportunities for employment in their respective villages, as there is no availability of proper transportation so they cannot connect to urban areas where they can get vocational training and skill building. There are many girls and women who are willing to attend Stitching education, to get opportunities for employment, skill development. We setup Stitching centres in rural area, this indeed will help them to learn new skills and have sustainable income generating opportunities. This centre at Japla Jharkhand was founded

The Scenario

Many women face inequality and discrimination and sometimes and have no role in decision making due to lack of financial independence. Many women work as labourers in market yard, cleaners in hospitals, private enterprises & engaged in beedi (tobacco) making, which are hazardous in nature. They are socially & culturally ill-treated. They lack employable skills & sustainable and dignified livelihoods


Stichybee Foundation has set up and is running a Free Stitching centre. The centre provides free basic and advanced certified stitching courses to poor women. This initiative is helping many women to achieve self- reliance by either helping them start their own small business or finding a job in the field of stitching.

The inaugural batch have already completed the course and the second batch is underway. Running such a setup require resources like hiring and paying salary of trainers, purchasing of consumables like clothes, needles etc and maintenance of the sewing machines.

Execution of the Project

We require your help to continue this initiative which is changing the lives of many poor women. Your donation will help us hire more teachers, start more centres, buy more machines and also hep the women completing the course to either start their own business or find a job

Teacher testimonials

Training Teacher - Brat Devi

My name is Brat Devi. I am working in Stichybee Foundation as a trainer for teaching tailoring for poor women in the Stitching center at Japla run by the foundation. The foundation organizes 6 month course on tailoring basics for poor women in a goal towards making them suitable for employment. I have been associated with Stichybee foundation from 21st November 2021. The foundation provides us wth all the necessary machines and consumables like clothes, needles etc. to run the training successfully. The foundation also pays me a monthly salary for my contribution towards training poor women in Tailoring which I use to support my children for their education needs. I am very happy that I am part of this organization and am able to help many poor women in developing a skillset which will be useful for them in the future. I am also very happy that the foundation provided me with an opportunity to be self reliant.