Donate educational kit to children

Donate educational kit for children

Stichybee foundation aims to BRING SMILES to these little children as they take their next leap in learning. As a child we have all felt the  joy of having a new school bag, books, pencils and crayons on first day of school. This is a feeling that lasts us for a lifetime. Unfortunately many children do not have this privilege. With the ‘ Educational Kit‘ program we hope to create that ‘moment of smile’ for the underprivileged children in the society

The Scenario

There are lakhs of children around us who lack support from their families to get an education and are dropping out of school. Education is available free of cost in the government schools but many children lack support to even get their school equipment.

When poverty hits hard the parents have no option other than restricting children’s education. Such children are overlooked or discarded from the society. These children lack respect and affection. In an age of learn and play, the children are shouldered with responsibilities. Children need support to cope with the competitive world to have a dignified life. 

our main goals

our Impact

Here we can see a big smile on the faces of these children. They want to continue their education but lack of facilities lags them behind. We want to reach maximum children with your support and cooperation.

The children were really excited to receive these stationery kits. We truly feel blessed to have kick-started this positive change in their lives! It was heart-warming to see children who have never held a pen before hold these kits close to their hearts, with the hope to start writing better futures for themselves

be part of the solution

This event is not possible without your support, every child can be nurtured to be a better individual if the right opportunities are provided at the right time. He urged the parents and staff in charge to take care of these blooming buds as they are the future of the nation.